Tag / travel

In the beginning of October I was lucky enough to spend a few days in the south of Portugal. I was not planning to go there, but since it is only a 4 hour drive from Marbella and there was a place for me in the car, I went along. I was in this part […]

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This is the Part II of my story along with the pictures taken during my recent unforgettable trip to Portugal. I’ve spent 3 amazing days on the unique and picturesque beach of Portimao, called Praia da Rocha. Portimao is a very famous resort city in Algarve region of Portugal, mainly because of the beaches.

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Residential cruise liners are the most luxurious way of life and travel. There are those who have money, and those who are just filthy rich. The former may have a grand house in the best ‘burb, but the latter will always manage to see you and raise you one. For them suburbia is so last […]

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My trip to Monaco Yacht Show this year was almost ruined by the force majeure situation :) Try to imagine the following, I come to a check-in desk all smiles, hand in my passport, the lady at the desk checks her computer and says that she can’t find me in the list for this flight. […]

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It’s impossible to read a magazine, paper, or browse online without hear mention of a celebrity these days. It’s exasperating and tedious – most of the time. The rest of the time some of us secretly wonder how the other half live, what they do, where they holiday, and wish away our lives thinking how […]

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We all love to travel in Summer, have fun on the beach, in the pools, wear our favorite bikinis and work on our tan. I personally love Summer and I love to travel a lot!! And to make our travel flawless we need to remember what kind of little things we need to take on […]

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Those of you who have been reading RichClubGirl for a while now should know how much I love Michael Kors brand. I love everything about it – handbags, shoes, accessories, sunglasses, dresses and, of course, Michael Kors’ smile. So, when I was in Paris in the middle of March this year, I couldn’t resist the […]

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I have just returned from my trip to French Riviera where I was lucky to spend one week on Antibes Yacht Show 2011. Antibes Yacht Show is the first major yacht show of the season and is held in the port of Vauban, which is the largest port in Europe and this year there were […]

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Hey, hey, girls! Have you already heard about the latest addition to the Ritz-Carlton hotel chain – The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong?! The hotel opened in the end of March this year and is the world’s “highest” hotel at the moment, located at the very top of the International Commerce Centre (ICC) in Hong Kong, occupying […]

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This is my anniversary post here on Rich Girl’s Club – #100 and I want to dedicate it to the magical Paris. It is funny, I thought I am writing and writing these posts, but I only got 100! Is it a lot or not? I don’t know, but the more I write here, the […]

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