This is my anniversary post here on Rich Girl’s Club – #100 and I want to dedicate it to the magical Paris. It is funny, I thought I am writing and writing these posts, but I only got 100! Is it a lot or not? I don’t know, but the more I write here, the more I want to, and I am never going to stop.
So, Paris! I was so fortunate to visit this eternal city of Love this March and also I was lucky to have amazing sunny and warm weather, which was a really nice surprise, as in Spain it was raining and cold.
This was my second visit to Paris and I must say I really fell in love with this city from the second try. Let me explain, although during my first visit to Paris I was celebrating my Birthday, which is also in Spring, and I had amazing time in Disney World (not really, it was cold and I was too old for those rides), and adored Versailles palace (honestly, I want to own this place one day or maybe a little bit smaller version of the mansion, the garden should remain the same size, though), the view from the Eiffel Tower was breathtaking and the twinkling lights on the same tower during night time were better than fireworks, and Sacré Coeur de Montmartre by night was magical! All these things were amazing, but still I was going home from my first visit thinking: “And this is Paris everyone is so crazy about? This is the city you need to die after you have seen it? Really?! Am I missing something?”
So, I wasn’t very impressed by Paris during my first visit and I definitely didn’t fall in love with this city as most other people do, maybe because my expectations were way too high. That is why when I was offered to go to Paris this Spring, I was like – yeah, whatever. And this is where the magic starts!
I had only three days in Paris in the middle of March this year, but I can confess, I really fell in love with this city this time! Paris is wonderful – beautiful, cosmopolitan, chic, adorable, huge, tasty, sweet and sexy. Yes, sexy! Because they have a lot of sexy ladies on the certain streets I accidentally wandered to :)
This second time I loved to stroll a lot, checked out different Brasseries, drank wine, were riding a lot in the subway, got lost in Galleries Lafayette, got a lot of sugar in my blood after sampling way too much of French macarons even in McDonalds (I love, love macarons!), spent all my money on Rue Saint-Honoré (damn, Michael Kors opened amazing huge store there just few days before my arrival), meditated in Buddha Bar over cocktails and sushi, I even wrote my most desired wish to God in the huge book in Notre Dame de Paris (but shush, don’t tell anyone, I still hope it was a book for writing wishes not a guest-book or something).
Anyway, this time Paris showed me it’s real face that I loved and I will definitely come back for more. And I want to write much more about Paris, but let’s just leave something for the next post – #101.
Do you like Paris, rich girls and boys? What do you find magical in this city? Would love to hear from you!
Rich Girl
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