Tag / rich girl

Pictures of the flooded New York and New Jersey as well as constant rain here in Spain. All of this made me think of the best ways how to stay dry and comfortable while enjoying strolls to closest supermarket and back in any kind of weather. So, here are three things that you can’t live […]

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I have already told you why I loved Venetian hotel in Las Vegas so much, now allow me to rave about my other most favorite hotels in Las Vegas! And let’s start with the most amazing one – Wynn Las Vegas Actually, I find it hard to put all my excitement into words. It is […]

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venetian resort las vegas

I have been in Las Vegas twice and stayed in a few different hotels: Venetian, Bellagio, MGM Grand Hotel, Wynn Las Vegas and TI – Treasure Island Hotel. All of these hotels were great, but only two of them were exceptional enough to mention – Venetian and Wynn. The Venetian Resort was the very first […]

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Traveling can be tiresome, especially when your flight is delayed for 5 hours and there is still a 24 hour journey ahead of you. But there are a few tricks that help me be as comfortable as possible.

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I am spending a few days in the most exciting and marvelous city in the world – New York. There is so much to do and so little time, but I am enjoying every minute of it! So, please expect a lot of pictures soon. By the way if you are in New York right […]

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This year was the third time in a row when I spent one week of September in Monaco. And the reasons why I keep coming back to this luxurious country is the Monaco Yacht Show. During these few days Monaco becomes a center of the yachting industry. All professionals, owners and potential buyers come to […]

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Maria Sharapova is launching brand new premium line of sweets, called “Sugarpova” today! How cool is that?! You can watch the live launch event from “Henri Bendel” today Monday, August 20, 2012 at 11:00 am EDT here. Which is going to happen literally in a few minutes :) I am already logged in to make […]

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eva longoria in marbella for charity walk event

Today I woke up at 7 am, not my typical start of a Saturday, to participate in the first Dynamic Walk-A-Thon with Eva Longoria in Marbella. In case you missed it, I was writing about this event here. I was really surprised with myself, that I could wake up so early without a flinch. Guess, […]

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Yesterday, instead of making a huge fuss over Independence Day celebration at home, we decided to avoid the trouble and go out. There are a few decent American restaurants which we like, but we wanted to try something new, so we ended up in the recently opened “Route 66 Marbella” diner and sports bar. I […]

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I love America and once even celebrated 4th of July there! That night turned out to be not so festive as I expected, but changed a lot in my life. So, I have really fond memories of this country and I am always happy to come back to the USA and spend time there. The […]

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