Category / Travel

Hello everyone! I have just returned from my unforgettable almost 3 weeks’ long trip to USA! During my vacation I managed to spend a few days in New York, which involved cultural and retail experience. By this I mean lots (LOTS!!) of shopping during all of my stay and one day dedicated to the Metropolitan […]

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I am spending a few days in the most exciting and marvelous city in the world – New York. There is so much to do and so little time, but I am enjoying every minute of it! So, please expect a lot of pictures soon. By the way if you are in New York right […]

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This year was the third time in a row when I spent one week of September in Monaco. And the reasons why I keep coming back to this luxurious country is the Monaco Yacht Show. During these few days Monaco becomes a center of the yachting industry. All professionals, owners and potential buyers come to […]

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In the beginning of October I was lucky enough to spend a few days in the south of Portugal. I was not planning to go there, but since it is only a 4 hour drive from Marbella and there was a place for me in the car, I went along. I was in this part […]

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I have just returned from my trip to French Riviera where I was lucky to spend one week on Antibes Yacht Show 2011. Antibes Yacht Show is the first major yacht show of the season and is held in the port of Vauban, which is the largest port in Europe and this year there were […]

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Hey, hey, girls! Have you already heard about the latest addition to the Ritz-Carlton hotel chain – The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong?! The hotel opened in the end of March this year and is the world’s “highest” hotel at the moment, located at the very top of the International Commerce Centre (ICC) in Hong Kong, occupying […]

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This is my anniversary post here on Rich Girl’s Club – #100 and I want to dedicate it to the magical Paris. It is funny, I thought I am writing and writing these posts, but I only got 100! Is it a lot or not? I don’t know, but the more I write here, the […]

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I have celebrated the beginning of the Spring this year with my amazing girlfriends in Milan. We planned this get-together half a year in advance and it turned out to be a blast! It was so great to meet all my old friends, whom I haven’t seen in a while and still realize that we […]

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People say that rich girls have amazing life: they travel around the world, always get what they want, their path in life is covered with rose petals and smells like expensive perfume, and all they ever do is party and drink champagne! Well, now in addition to all that rich girls can also have their […]

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I dedicated this February to exploring Spain. At the beginning of the month I visited beautiful Barcelona and at the end of the month spent amazing weekend in Seville. Both cities impressed me with unique architecture, breathtaking views and vibe. I have been in Barcelona 3 times before, but every time this magical city has […]

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