Category / Guest Posts

People are getting more and more health conscious these days. They start running and biking, enrolling in gym programs, and engaging in different sports to keep their body in tip top shape. Various diet regimens are also being followed by many. As an offshoot of wanting to eat healthy, the popularity of tea increased as […]

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When I decided that I wanted to spend my summer break in London, I knew that I needed to have a plan. I did my research and was able to come up with a long list of things that I would do on my weekend in London. Most people usually have different ideas as to […]

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The vast majority of us love an unspoilt vista, looking out to sea and taking in a glorious sunrise or a beautiful sunset, but where in the world can you go to experience your own almost exclusive private moment in paradise? Anywhere where there is a stunning sea based location normally attracts a crowd of […]

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Once thought to be new age nonsense, meditation has gained in popularity in recent years. Several scientific studies have reaffirmed many of meditation’s purported benefits. Meditation can not only relax the mind and body, but it has proven to have many other benefits on them as well. This is probably why many Hollywood celebrities are […]

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When I think luxury, I think champagne wishes and caviar dreams (Hello, eighties! Robin Leach, anyone?). That’s really not the case anymore though, is it? I feel like luxury – living a luxurious lifestyle – is so much more attainable these days. Sure, nice things still come at a price, but the perfect quality/value ratio […]

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The tiny principality of Monaco sits at the very heart of the French Riviera and pretty much no place on earth has the same concentration of wealth and sophistication that is squeezed into this stunning location. The elite of Europe are drawn to Monaco either as a tax exile or simply to have quality fun […]

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A diamond ring is arguably one of the most expensive purchases an individual will make in their lifetime. The general rule of thumb when buying a diamond ring is that it should not cost more than two months of your annual salary, although many people far exceed this when faced with a truly spectacular diamond. […]

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Smell is clearly an important thing within any relationship. Personal hygiene is the first key to a good scent but beyond this obvious factor there is a huge range and variety of smells to be experienced. There are perfumes, pheromones, and a vast range of scents to choose from. Which of these scents you choose […]

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Every woman wants to be just like the heroine in her favorite movies or television show. You know exactly the kind we are talking about. She is the one who wakes up in the morning looking fresh with no under eye dark circles in sight. The sunlight that seeps through the window only emphasizes the […]

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Hitting the gym is a love hate experience. For some, it’s invigorating and energizing, whilst for others it’s a miserable, grueling slog. If you’re an avid gym bunny, you probably don’t need convincing of the virtues of a workout session. But if you’re not – and just the idea of half an hour on the […]

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