When I decided that I wanted to spend my summer break in London, I knew that I needed to have a plan. I did my research and was able to come up with a long list of things that I would do on my weekend in London. Most people usually have different ideas as to how London is and I must admit that it was completely different compared to what I initially thought. There were a lot of things that stood out but a few things really made my stay completely worth while.

• Shopping

As a woman looking to have fun in London, I knew that I had to go shopping. There are plenty of shopping malls in London and it felt like a shopping haven for me. The Westfield Shopping Centre and Piccadilly were by far my favourite place for vintage shopping and I spent hours there trying to find various things for my friends and family. Shopping is every tourist’s main thing to think about when out in a different city and so this was where I spent most of my time. However, the nice thing about my shopping trip was that it led me to want to learn about the art galleries that I saw posters of.

london tower bridge photo in spring

• Art galleries

I looked around and tried to find the best art galleries in the area. Since I had my digital camera, I knew that I was going to take some great pictures in London. Though I loved to take pictures, I felt like I wanted to see what others had to offer. I looked for a really good art gallery and I ended up finding The Royal Academy of Arts. This was actually my favourite part of the trip and I was so excited to see what other artists were able to create. I was always a big fan of paintings and so this was right up my alley of interests.

• Nightlife

Since I’m single, I knew that I needed to see how the nightlife was in London. This was one of the most entertaining nights of my life as I went from bar to bar and ended up at a trendy bar in Camden. This bar was great fun and the people were surprisingly very interesting to talk to. A few guys tried to hit on me, it was a liberating experience going out by myself, when I went back to my hotel room I was completely exhausted.

london streets by night

• Getting Treatment Done

My last day in London was focused on simply me and how I wanted to get some treatment done. I got some dermal filler treatment done at this clinic on Harley Street and this was surprisingly really easy to go through. This was my first time getting any treatment done but I was told that this was the place to go. I am really thankful that I was led to this clinic and the service was by far the best that I had during my role trip and the results were just as good. This clinic on Harley Street definitely made my trip worth while.

I came home with hundreds of pictures and memories that I will never forget. Though I was only able to stay for a weekend, I realized that there is nothing better than being able to spend a weekend in a different city. This was arguably one of the most expensive trips that I have ever been on but I would admit that it was completely worth it. I highly recommend that people learn something from my trip and enjoy what I experienced in London.

Author Bio: J. Webber lives in Manchester, England and works as a free lance writer creating content about health, travel and cosmetic surgery.

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