Tag / luxurious property

You have probably heard the story about the fire which stroke Richard Branson’s Necker Island two years ago. When I think of it the first image that comes to mind is Kate Winslet rescuing Sir Branson’s mother. Can’t believe that two years have passed already! Anyway, enough with the sad part. The good news is […]

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Monaco, the world’s second smallest country after the Vatican, remains high on the list for discerning high-net-worth luxury property seekers despite uncertain economic times worldwide. In an area of 2 square miles, smaller than New York’s Central Park, Monaco properties bask on the shores of the Mediterranean. With its history straight out of a story […]

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For some individuals, money really isn’t a problem. In fact, either they have been born into money or they have made lots of it working or investing. Regardless, people who have money learn to appreciate spending it, and their homes are one of the first places where extravagant sums of money are going to be […]

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I have always wanted to live by the ocean or the sea, in the house with magnificent views of the coastline. For a long time I was thinking about Malibu, but realized that I would be afraid of the floods. Then I was dreaming about Beverly Hills, but it is just too far from the […]

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