Rich Life’s Tips” – the series of publications to help people understand what means “To Lead a Rich Life” and how to approach it. In “Rich Life’s Tips” you will be bale to find short, inspiring and motivating essays which would hopefully make your way to the riches easier and more fun. This section of the Rich Girl’s Club is made for those people who are only planning to become rich. Really Rich and Successful people are welcome to write their thoughts and share valuable tips and experience here!

I was surprised to find out that there are a lot of people on Earth who doesn’t want to become rich. I used to talk to some people who said, I don’t need it, I have different priorities in life and to have billions in any kind of currency on my account is not my goal. Well, it was really a surprise to me, cause since my early childhood I knew that I want to be rich, period!

So, before you start reading and partisipating in discussions here in Rich Girl’s Club, you need to understand and answer honestly to the following questions:

What does leading a Rich Life really means to you?!

What do you really want and need?! Do you need a huge 15 bedroom mansion in Beverly Hills or it will be enough to have 5 bedroom house somewhere in Florida?! Do you need people who will clean your house, opens the doors to your guests, cooks and buys food for you, takes care of your 20 cars, horses and dogs, cleans your huge pool and waters enormous garden full of exotic plants from all around the world?! Do you actually need all this stuff?

Before you take this long (or short, you never know) trip to riches, you need to know where are you heading to and where will be a milestone on this road when you will be able to say: “Yes! I made it! I am Rich and I am leading a Rich Life!”

I will leave you now to think about your goals and desires. It will be super cool if you could leave your comments or questions below, so we could discuss it.


Rich Girl

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