Tag / gift ideas

I thought I am a strong person, but even I find it hard to resist buying something during Black Friday or Cyber Monday special deals. And how could I, if for two weeks already I am receiving tempting and limited time offers from almost every online store I have ever bought anything before.

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Most women today run busy lives, trying to balance work, a family and some sort of social life. If they are lucky they may even get some time to themselves. When it comes to buying a gift for such a woman often the best thing you can give them is something to help make their […]

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Whether it is for a birthday, for Christmas, for your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day or just because you feel like it, luxury gifts are lovely to give and a delight to receive. Often a luxury gift is given just because someone wants to let the other person know how much they care. Gift baskets make […]

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Happy St. Valentine’s Day to all the Rich and aspiring girls! This is a special day, when happy couples celebrate their love and those who haven’t found her Mr. Right yet, dream about meeting him. No matter if you are happy in love or in constant search for the best match, today we celebrate Love […]

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christmas gift ideas for rich people

Updated November 2020 When I am invited to a birthday or wedding or any other special event, the prospect of choosing the right present always makes me nervous. Don’t get me wrong, I love shopping for unique gifts, but I am also too worried about getting the perfect one. There are so many people to […]

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