Spring is the perfect time to start shopping for amazing and stylish sunglasses. I think buying sunglasses is always fun, last year I loved colorful sunglasses by Ray Ban. I also love my long lasting Chanel classics. I haven’t made up my mind yet what shape and brand I will go for this season, but just in case I checked what the trends are for the 2011 and as “Harper’s Bazaar” put it – this season is about having fun with your shades.

And what could be more fun than to design your own unique and most perfect sunglasses?! Mix and match colors, frames and arms to create the sunglasses of your dreams and stand out from the crowd?! How cool is that!

sunglasses black

Very soon there will be a new way of buying Premium Sunglasses and that is by customizing them yourself online, giving you the option of over 8000 combinations. A new Company, name unannounced as yet, is in the process of letting consumers to choose from several different styles of front frames, sun glass arms, colors and lenses. There also be a possibility to have your very own prescription within your sunglasses if you need any. And after you finish creating your sunglasses you will then be able to have an etching.

By making your own unique sunglasses on this new upcoming website, you will never see a person with the same pair of Prada’s on.

Girls, what do you think about this idea? Would you be interested in customizing sunglasses to make them unique and reflect your personality? You can share your ideas with the creative people behind this new upcoming company by completing this small survey here.

They would really love to know your opinion on this.


Rich Girl

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