Ok, as promised there will be a lot of cool things going on this Autumn in Rich Girl’s Club, so do subscribe to all our updates, if you haven’t done it already! Click here for the full list of subscription options!
Also, as I am saying to all of the girls, don’t just be a member of the Rich Girl’s Club – Be an ACTIVE Member! This means send in your suggestions on how to make Rich Girl’s Club a better and interesting place for all of us! Everyone is welcome to speak your mind in comments or by contacting me personally through this simple contact form.
I am going to travel a lot this Autumn, so there will be a lot of interesting news from the most glamorous places in the world. The first destination spot is Monaco Boat Show 2010! So, stay tuned!
And the last, but not the least. I am proud to tell you, that I am now the Expert Author on EzineArticles.com. How cool is that?!!

Julia Rich, EzineArticles.com Basic Author

So, let’s have a glamorous and fun Autumn 2010!! The one to remember!!


Rich Girl

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