I don’t usually like to talk, write or even think about bad and dramatic things. But what had happened in Haiti on January 12 made my heart ache and I was not able to leave it unnoticed. After all in order to consider yourself a rich person you not only have to have lot’s of money, but you also should have a huge loving heart and a strong will to help others.

Haiti was a great place to visit with amazing beaches and landscape. My friends went to their honeymoon there couple of years ago and they are still remembering Haiti as a wonderful place, one of the best in the world. And now this country is in ruins. I can’t believe how fast everything could change. A lot of people died, infrastructure is ruined, houses, hotels almost everything stopped to exist.

I really hope that Haiti will be able to recover from this drastic tragedy. And if you want to help Haiti to recover, you are welcome to donate at least a dollar. But please, beware of scammers using this disaster as an opportunity to take advantage of you. Donate only to well-established charities working directly in Haiti, such as, for example, the American Red Cross, which is working with its partners in the global Red Cross and Red Crescent network, including the Haitian Red Cross, and other partners to assist those affected by this disaster.

Your gift to the American Red Cross will support emergency relief and recovery efforts to help those people affected by the earthquake in Haiti. Assistance provided by the American Red Cross may include sending relief supplies, mobilizing relief workers and providing financial resources and recovery.

Here is the link where you can make a donation to American Red Cross

Let’s pray for people in Haiti and let’s hope that we will never be in such situation.


Rich Girl

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