Article in Latvian celebrity magazine “Otkrito” about me, my life in Marbella and! I have just received the copy of this magazine and was so delighted to see the beautiful pictures and really flattering text. The article is taken up two pages – the whole spread!! I have never been so proud and excited at the same time! The journalist who wrote this piece did a really fantastic job and I can’t thank her enough! The article is in Russian and if you are interested in reading it, you can ask me and I can send you the .pdf file or you can purchase online copy of the magazine here.

article about the owner of Julia Travchenko (Julija Travcenko) in Latvian magazine Otkrito

You know, seeing my picture in a magazine made me realize that dreams really do come true!! I don’t know what is it exactly, Law of Attraction or something else, but I always wanted to see myself in a magazine. And now it happened! Knowing that everything you want will one day become real is an exhilarating feeling. And I love it! Now I only remind myself to keep on dreaming and believing. But of course only dreaming will never lead you to anything. Dream and make at least little “baby” steps towards your dream. Every day, make sure you do something which will take you closer to your dream. For me, writing here on were these small steps. With every new blog post, with every new person I’ve met and every new event I’ve visited, I was moving closer towards my goal.

And this one article in Latvian “Otkrito” magazine is not the limit! This is just a beginning. Now I want articles and mentions in international press. Also the cover of Forbes magazine would be nice! :) The sky is the limit, right?! No one is preventing all these crazy dreams from happening, except myself. So, Dream Big and be amazed where it will take you!


Rich Girl

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