I realized that I haven’t wrote about my outings here in Marbella for a while. Well, even though party life does get a little bit quiet during winter here, there are still plenty of things you could do. This year the weather was amazingly warm and sunny, almost without any rain, so I could spend a lot of time outdoors, enjoying a game of tennis or coffee with my girlfriends in numerous cafes. On weekends I usually go for a movie, to a bar or club, spend time with friends or discover new good or not so good restaurants. So, as you can see there is life in Marbella all year round.

I will definitely write more about some of the new places that I have discovered in my following posts, but now I want to say a few words about the art gallery, which inaugural exhibition I was happy to attend last month.

rich girl attends red penguin art gallery in marbella

I found out about Red Penguin Art Gallery from a friend and was invited to the opening. The exhibition, which I attended was called “Carnival of The Artists” and was inspired by the Venice Carnival. It was a visual feast focused loosely on the themes of Carnival, circus, parties, celebrations and, of course, Venice. Among the exciting talents that were showcased in the “Carnival of Artists” exhibition were: the outstanding duo of photographers from Holland – Cats and Withoos; Alfredo Palmero and Fernando Bayona from Spain; impressionist Tos Kostermans (Holland); three Marbella-based artists: painter Felix Muyo,(Spain); versatile photographer Gary Edwards (UK) and Peter Gabiola Belasco, as well as a rising new talent, Joseph Klibansky. Special guests of the Red Penguin Art Gallery, were artists Andy Bonomo, Michéle Lehman, Nimrod Messeg, who are contributing to the FIAM (Festival Inernational de Arte Marbella) the largest and most popular Art festival in southern Spain, now in its 4th edition.

red penguin art gallery in marbella

There were a lot of interesting pieces which I liked and I really enjoyed my time. Unfortunately, this exhibition just ended today, but the good news is that tomorrow The Red Penguin Art Gallery will present new exhibition, which will be inspired and influenced by the sixties.

red penguin art gallery in marbella

I can’t wait to go and see it, as after I started watching “Mad Men”, I became a true sixties fan! :) So, I am really curious to see what the artists have come up with. There will be new artwork by Andy Bonomo, Jesus Chacon, Joáo Noutel, Debora Notenson, Joseph Klibansky, Marco Bombach, Paula Vincenti and others. Sounds promising, isn’t it? You are more than welcome to join me, if you are in Marbella at the moment. I am planning to be there at 8 in the evening on the 23rd of March, to be one of the first to see it, but don’t worry, if you can’t make it that day, as the exhibition will be run until the 1st of May. The gallery is located in El Corte Inglés Marbella, Blv. Alfonso von Hohenlohe 2.

Girls, how often do you go to art galleries? What is your latest art acquisition? I would like to hear back form you! Please share your thoughts in the comments below.


Rich Girl

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