I like to check Forbes lists occasionally and this time I really loved their “The Celebrity 100”. You will be pleased to know that there are 6 girls among the top 10 powerful celebrities!

On the first place is Oprah Winfrey! I really admire this woman, she manages to keep high position in the celebrity tops through years (although last year the first place was taken by Angelina Jolie). She is great achiever!

Oprah Winfrey

Photo: George Burns

Second place is taken by Beyonce Knowles. She is not only making money on her music (according to Forbes, her 90-plus date global tour grossed more than $85 million), but she also has her House of Dereon fashion line, released her first fragrance, Heat, earlier this year and has a lot of other projects.

Beyonce Knowles

Photo: beyonceonline.com

On the third place is James Cameron thanks to his amazing job with Avatar. I know that a lot of people watched this movie a couple of times, I only could make it once, but I loved it.

Lady Gaga – is the sensation! That’s why I am not surprised that she in on the 4th place in the list! Girls, make something extraordinary, unique, don’t be afraid of what people will think about you, and you will end up rich and famous, just like Lady Gaga!

Lady Gaga

Photo: lastfm.com

Tiger Woods – well, he is on the 5th place, but I don’t want to talk a lot about him. Cheating men are pathetic!
Britney Spears, my love, is on the 6th place and I am so happy that she is back. We all have our ups and downs, but something we can learn from Britney is how to win everything back!

Britney Spears

Photo: britneyspears.com

U2 is on the 7th place. I am sorry U2 fans, but I know a little about this band. All I know is that they have breathtaking shows and my friends who saw them perform live were amazed! No wonder that each tour stop brings U2 $10 million in gross ticket sales. This is the highest-earning band on the planet, according to Forbes.
Sandra Bullock is the highest-earning actress thanks to the latest two hit movies (The Proposal and The Blind Side). She also got an Oscar win this year! The only downside is the divorce with the cheating husband. Why sometimes it seems that you can’t have it all?! It’s not fare!

Sandra Bullock

Photo: inquisitr.com

Johnny Depp is on the 9th place thanks to his work in Alice in Wonderland. According to Forbes, the Disney film has grossed $1 billion at the worldwide box office, making Depp the only actor to headline two $1 billion films.

Madonna is closing the top 10 of “The Celebrity 100” list. According to Forbes, the 52-year-old singer had the fourth highest-grossing tour of 2009, bringing in $6 million a night and $138 million overall. Even I attended her “Sticky and Sweet Tour” show last August in Talinn, Estonia – it was amazing! Madonna will always remain my top favorite artist, no matter what she does, no matter what movies she is filming! I love her for the album Something to Remember! I know all the songs from this album by heart :) She is super power rich girl!


Photo: wearepopslags.com

For the rest 90 powerful celebrities, visit Forbes.com or click here.

I really love Forbes lists, one day I will see myself there! :) I wish you the same, my lovely rich girls!! Good luck and may the force of success and loads of money be with you!


Rich Girl

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