I dedicated this February to exploring Spain. At the beginning of the month I visited beautiful Barcelona and at the end of the month spent amazing weekend in Seville. Both cities impressed me with unique architecture, breathtaking views and vibe. I have been in Barcelona 3 times before, but every time this magical city has something new to offer and explore, you just can’t be bored in Barcelona.

I will tell you more about Barcelona in my future posts, but today I want to show you Seville. First time I have heard about this city, when my friend advised me to visit Seville one year ago, saying that this is the most beautiful city in Andalucia and that it is absolutely a must to go there. Although it is only a two hours drive from Marbella it took me one year to actually pack my bag and go there.

I loved Seville from the first step I’ve made out of the hotel. It was absolutely wonderful: with numerous orange trees, full of oranges, grand historical monuments and buildings, the largest Gothic cathedral in the world, the oldest bullring in Spain, the Giralda tower, amazing Plaza de España and picturesque river. I was admiring this city the whole weekend and just couldn’t get enough of it, to my luck the weather was also magnificent – sunny and warm, which made the exploring of the city a double pleasure.

It is always better to come and see Seville with your own eyes, but in case you want a small preview, I will show you just a few pictures. Let’s consider it a little teaser.

Before I go on and show you pictures of Seville, I just want to say a couple of words about the hotel where I was staying – Gran Melia Colon. If you go to Seville, I would recommend you choose this hotel, because of it’s location, comfort and service. I was absolutely satisfied with this leading luxury hotel in Spain.

We stayed in premium room, which was spacious, elegant and equipped with the latest technology.

Gran Melia Colon Hotel Superior Room Seville Spain

Loved the hall of the hotel.

Luxury Gran Meila Colon Hall Sevilla Spain

The other thing that I loved about Gran Melia Colon hotel is that each door had different painting on it. I haven’t seen anything like that before.

Paintings on Doors in Gran Melia Colon Hotel Sevilla Spain

After checking into the hotel, I started exploring the city and the first must-see on my list was the Cathedral and the Giralda tower. You can climb the tower and it promises to have magnificent views of the city from the top of it, but unfortunately I was not able to do it this time, I will definitely come back and do it next time. Below are just a few pictures of the Seville Cathedral and Giralda tower from different angles:

Beautiful Cathedral and Giralda tower in Seville Spain

Inside Cathedral Seville Spain

Giralda Tower and Oranges Sevilla Spain

Cathedral and Giralda Sevilla Espana

The next monument that impressed me immensely, was the Plaza de España, built in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929. As it says on wikipedia: It is a landmark example of the Renaissance Revival style in Spanish architecture. You can read about it more here.

Rich Girl Plaza de Espana Seville Spain

Plaza de Espana Seville Spain

I loved pictures on tiles with different cities, here is the picture of Malaga.

Tile Pictures and Map of Malaga in Plaza de Espana Seville Spain

The next historical monument I visited was the oldest bullring in Spain – Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza. You can see the bullring and also visit the museum, where guide will tell you different interesting stories and facts about the history of the bullfight. I felt sorry for those bulls killed here during all those years.

Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza Sevilla Spain

When in Seville, I suggest you visit Alfonso XIII hotel, just enter it and walk through the hall.

Rich Girl Alfonso XIII Hotel Sevilla Spain

Oranges, oranges everywhere! I haven’t seen so many orange trees in one city in my whole life. It is so beautiful!

Oranges in Seville Spain

At the end of my trip, of course, it is time to dine and wine and go to the club. There was really cool club just 200 meters from the hotel, called Kudeta Seville. It has 4 floors and you will definitely find the music to your taste.

Luxury Dining in Seville Spain

So, this was my little tour of Seville for you girls and boys. Of course I couldn’t show you everything, as we agreed, it was just a teaser. Seville has a lot more to offer, than just what I have showed you here in this post. I will come back to this city again, because I loved it!

What do you think? Have you been to Seville before? Are you planning to visit this city one day? Would love to hear from you!


Rich Girl

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